24. 09. 2014.

Kurdish Daq/Deq (Tattoo): Lost and hidden history of Kurdistan


Very difficult to say an exact date on the history of tattoo, because it is based on ten thousand years. Some sources also said that the 500 hundred years. But in Mesopotamia (Kurdistan or Mezrabotan) region where Kurds live ten thousand years are in this region. Tribal tattoos are seen in the said period. The tribes and religions observed in the development of feudalism. Each different religions, different icons, and each tribe is different tattoos there are no precise information. Today, however, is only observed in elderly people. Hardly seen in young people.

Tattoo of the node, as DAQ and DEQ isimlenen this culture has been shown in many of the world geography. The ice man's tattoos in the mountains of Austria and Italy border, probably before Christ, ca. 10 thousand to 38 thousand indicate the dates. If Japonlardaki fashioned tattoos, before Christ, 5 thousand years or more old.

Sung in different ways, and finds a different meaning in each language; DEQ, DAQ, vesm, daki, daqi following, as said, the Kurdish language. Caves, walls and tombs can be found in the motifs of the DEQ. Even the tombs of many tattoo motifs had been found. Tattoos paganism, animism, sabilik, Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism yazdanism Manihaizm and is in the deep traces of their beliefs.

Tattoo motifs and symbols of each one of them is actually the story, the story of the past and glazed, the mystical and mythological values ​​used. Tattoo motifs and symbols of each one of them is actually the story, the story of the past and glazed, the mystical and mythological values ​​used.

In the Kurdish Tattoo construction; Deq is a mixture of breast milk newly delivered women (girls brought to the world), milk, animal gall and lampblack. The mixture is applied on the skin which is pierced before.

The Tattoos for the kurdish men that do the "dekkak or deqqaq", while women "dekkabe or deqqabe" tattooed male-ers "medkuk" women "medkuke" is called
Male and female tattoo is different. Women's elegance and beauty, men of power and power is seen as a symbol. Different parts of the body is made of men and women. Women with tattoos are usually two between the eyebrows, cheeks and nose on top, chin and throat area, toe his superiors, his superiors abdomen, hips, backs, knee high ankle region, said lower jaw built chest tattoos to the tips. Temporal region and often makes two tattoos on the outside of the hands of men.

The holly texts of the lost times of kurdish

Deqs are the holy texts of lost times. The first ancestor of writing. The lines of pleasure, hope,
pain and fear on human body. The holy symbols turning the human body into a temple.
The tattoo tradition has a historical past going back to the dark ages of humanity in
whole Mesopotamia, Anatolia. The symbols carry the beliefs of people on their bodies.

Some meanings of the symbols in Mesopotamian civilization are as follows; eye figure, prevention of the evil eye, wealth and plenteousness, star, happiness, tree of life, bird motif and the symbol of life and spirit. The animal figures of tattoos and almost all geometrical figures, by some means or other, imagine blessing Mother Goddess, namely the fertility of mother, life and death. Similarly, the sun and moon motives imagine the source of life and the desire for an endless life. Against devil eye, they are painted on lips, nares, between brows and close to sexual organs. The tattoos on different parts of the body like face, hand, arm, foot and cleavage are generally made for beauty. And some tattoos on nose and face are believed to prevent death. Compared with men, more women have deq on their bodies. While men generally have deq on temples, arms and hands; women have it on their foreheads, faces, feet and breasts. Moreover, some women have deqs starting from forehead to foot.


Author: ZagrosnNewrozAryan


Kultur rinret schreibt: Deq (daq oder dövün), ein Tattoo, dass bei kurdischen Frauen und Männern vor allem im südlichen Nordkurdistan zu sehen ist. Das Anbringen des Tattoos wird bei Frauen und Männern vorwiegend im Alter ab 40 Jahre, bei jüngeren Frauen, die ab ca. dem 18. Lebensjahr einen kleinen Punkt bekommen, im Gesicht, auf der Hand oder am Arm vorgenommen. Das Tattoo hat die Form von Sternen oder verschiedenen Ornamenten. Der Grund für diese Tattoos wird in der Wissenschaft noch diskutiert, Kadioğlu-Çevik sieht ihn in der Relgion, um damit Gott zu preisen und Böses abzuwenden. Bei den Kirmanc (Dimilî/Zaza) zeigt das Tattoo außerdem die Genealogie an. Erstellt werden die Tattoos mit der Asche des Feuers, was traditionell bei den Kurden als heilig gilt. Quellen: S. Joseph und A. Najmabadi: Encyclopedia of women and islamic culture. Amsterdam 2003, S. 46; Kaciğolu-Çevik: Anadolu’nun bazı yerlerinde dövme adeti ve bu adetin çağdaş yaşamdaki yeri. IN: Türk halk kültürü araştırma sonuçları bildirileri. Ankara, 1996.